Monthly Meetings

Updated 02/12/25

MCBA strives to provide meeting attendees with beneficial information. Meetings will typically have a specific topic of instruction relevant to the time of year and last approximately 1 1/2 hours.

We typically meet around the 3rd week of the month at 6:30 PM at the Middle TN AgResearch & Education Center, Located at 1070 New Lake Road in Lewisburg, unless we are having a field day or special event. The dates & topics are listed below. While every attempt is made to keep this website current, please note the meeting dates can change due to weather, meeting facility conflicts, work schedules, etc.

The quickest way to be informed of meeting changes is to request to be added to our email list at  or join or FaceBook group Marshall County Beekeepers Association.

Please join us!!!

  2025 Tentative Monthly Meeting Schedule & Agendas

January 27th 6:30 PM: We will meet at 1070 New Lake Road in Lewisburg. Andy Ladd will be giving a presentation on how to transition from vertical hives to horizontal hives with minimal waste of your vertical equipment. He has developed a method for the minimally skilled and minimally equipped woodworker.  We will also discuss the Introduction to Beekeeping Class, nuc orders, an app (Bee Plus) for keeping bee records, 2 new varroa mite treatments and address any questions or requests. Club dues can be paid at the meeting. they are $20.00 per person or $25.00 per family. We hope to see you there.

February 24th 6:30 PM: We will meet at 1070 New Lake Road in Lewisburg. Josh Hager will be giving a presentation on how to keep your bees from swarming while maximizing honey production.

March 20th 6:30 PM: We will meet at 1070 New Lake Road in Lewisburg. Nathan Coleman will be giving a presentation on VarroxSan Extended Release Oxalic Acid.

April 17: 








December: No Meeting in December